1. Introduction
This is the documentation page of the Awaken WordPress Theme. We will try to keep everything well documented. If you are not sure about particular area of this please use the support forum.
2. Theme Installation
- Theme installation process is same as others.
- Download the .zip file.
- Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard.
- Click on the Add New button.
- Click on the Upload Theme button on the top.
- Use Choose File button to select .zip file.
- Select the theme ‘zip’ file from your computer and click Install Now Button.
- After successfully installing the theme click “Activate Theme”.
NOTE: When you upgrade to Awaken Pro from the Awaken free version, all of your current settings like theme customizer settings, widgets, menus will be migrated to the Pro version automatically. You do not have to start all over again.
3. Add a Custom Logo
Adding a custom logo is very easy. Please use the following steps.
- Go to Customizer in the WordPress Dashboard. ( Appearance > Customize ).
- In the Site Identity section click on the “Select image” button which is under the Site tile and site tagline input boxes.”
Upload Your Logo and Click Select in the upload screen. - Just after the above setting there is a setting called “Display site title / logo”. Choose your preferred option from that setting.
- Click “Save and Publish” button at the top.
4. Custom Main Menu
- After just installing the theme it will display the pages as the default menu. You can add your own links, categories, pages for the menu.
- Go to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress Dashboard.
- In the edit menus tab click on the link “create new menu”.
- Give a Menu Name and click button “create menu”.
- Then you can choose/create the links from the three tabs(Pages/Links/Categories) which is in the left hand side.
- After Creating the menu select the Theme Location of the menu.(It’s under the Menu Settings which is in the bottom of the page. ) In this case tick the “Primary Menu”.
- Hit Save.
5. Magazine Homepage
– Adding a magazine homepage.
- Create a new page by going to Pages > Add New in the WordPress Dashboard
- Give the page a name whatever you want. eg : Home.
- Then select the “Magazine Template” option for the “Template” setting which is in the “Summary” section of the “Page” Tab Panel.
- Then Go to Settings > Reading in the WordPress Dashboard and select the “A Static Page” option which is under the heading “Front Page Displays”.
- Then Select the page that you created from the “Front Page” drop down . eg: Home
– Adding a blog post page when magazine homepage is activated.
- Go to Pages > Add New in the WordPress Dashboard.
- Give it a name whatever you want. eg : Blog.
- Then from the page attributes options box select the Template as Default Template.
- Then Go to Settings > Reading in the WordPress Dashboard and select the option “A static page” which is under the heading “Front Page Displays”.
- Then Select the page that you created from the “Posts Page” drop down . eg: Blog.
Now you have created a “Magazine Homepage” to display posts widgets and “Blog page” to display normal blog posts. To display posts widgets in magazine homepage drag and drop posts widgets to magazine 1 and magazine 2 widget areas. ( Widgets and widget areas are shown in a image bottom of this article. )
6. Featured Images and Slider
You may have noticed that when you upload featured images from posts they doesn’t have same sizes in the blog index page or magazine page. To fix that please use the great regenerate thumbnail plugin to crop images. It will crop all the featured images of posts.
Activate slider
1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings > Featured Slider.
2. Check the ‘Display slider on homepage’ check box.
3. Then select the category of posts which you want to display in the slider. ( Featured images of posts of the selected category will be displayed as slider images.
– Featured images of posts should be at least in width of 752px and in height of 440px to display slider images properly.
– Use regenerate thumbnail plugin to crop all the images.
7. Widgets
There are 6 widgets that you can display in the magazine template.
1. Awaken: Single Category Posts
2. Awaken Two Block Posts Widget.
3. Awaken Three Block Posts Widget.
4. Awaken Popular Posts, Comments, Tags Widget.
5. Awaken 300×250 Ad Widget.
6. Awaken Youtube video Widget.
8. Widget Areas
1. Magazine 1
2. Magazine 2
3. Main Sidebar
4. Footer Left Sidebar
5. Footer Mid Sidebar
6. Footer Right Sidebar
Drag and drop each widget to the relevant widget areas and arrange them any order you want. Following image shows the slider, featured post areas, widgets and widget areas
If you like this theme, please be kind enough to give us a 5 star rating on WordPress.org.
Currently enjoying the free version of this awesome theme, and hoping to switch to the Pro Version soon
Great! Thank you.
can’t this theme have a demo import option?
I am sorry but for now, only the Pro version has the demo import option.
Man, I don’t know what I did. I’m having a menu problem. The blessed is gone and I can’t get him back. What can I do?
Hi Fabio,
I can see your menu working properly. Could you please let me know what you mean?
Thank you.
I have added the “3 Block Posts” widget to Magazine 1, but it will not display on my home page ! any idea ?
Hi Alexandros,
In order to display widgets on your homepage you need to make a magazine homepage first. Please read the section 5 of the documentation where you can learn how to do that.
Thank you.
Hello Pubudu!
I’m having problems with the nav links at the bottom. Both links works fine, but instead of the title of the previous and next article, it reads ‘ %título ‘. I’m new working with WP Themes and I’m from Puerto Rico (Spanish speaker) so it is dificult to me to get the ideal information to fix it. I will appreciate if you guide me in the process.
Thanks in advance
Hello Sergio,
It seems the person who translated the theme for you translated it wrong. Please ask him to remove the translation provided to %title.
Thank you.
Thank you very much!!
It is working great!!
Can I use this theme on my website http://www.formdate.in
Hi Ankush,
Yes of course, you can use this on your website.
Thank you.
I love this theme! I like the social media icons, but i’d love to see a linkedin button up there also, any chance we’ll see this option in the future?
Sure we will add that in a future update.
Thank you.
Hi Pubudu,
Congrats for the great theme.
I have downloaded it a few days ago and have been playing around with it wondering whether it may be the ideal for me.
So far I am quite happy with it except for a tiny though crucial detail: any chance for the brick red colour in the main menu to be changed?
My logo is orange and as it sits on the top of the main menu very next to the theme’s brick red they happen to look not so good together.
Hi Paulo,
It can be changed via custom css. However in Awaken Pro version there are custom color controls in the customizer to change the color of allmost all the elements.
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu,
I’m building a website currently with the free version of the Awaken Theme. I’ve added the “3 Block Posts” widget to Magazine 1, but it will not display on my home page (or any page for that matter).
Outside of dragging — dropping the “3 Block Posts” widget into the Magazine 1 Widget and saving that, what step may I have missed?
Check that… just needed to follow step 5!
How can it remove it from the footer ”Proudly powered by WordPress. | Theme: Awaken by ThemezHut.”
Dear Dhruv,
Please add a new footer text from Apperance > Customize > General Settings > “Footer copyright text”. Then it will replace the current one.
Thank You.
What is the Shop page sidebar widget for? Because It doesn’t work for me. Thanks!!
Hello John,
It is can be used when you are using WooCommerce. It will display as the “Shop” page sidebar.
Thank You.
Hi, My Site is http://www.maruthamunaionline.com Here I can not added Single Post category widget in Magazine 1 Area. but it shows. how can i fix it ?? I Want to Show by Category wise. Please help me..
Hi. I Loooove this theme. Thank you!
Now I customize free version, and want to modify the main menu width.
I would like to strengthen the main menu width to display width like as top navigation. Could you please tell me how to change the css?
hey…I got a question..how can show rencet posts randomly not by date with two block posts widget in magazine mode?
Hello Koroush,
I am sorry it is not possible with the theme currently.
Thank You.
Hi. Something really bad happened the day before we are to launch our site. Colleague tried to edit code and this happened
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘add_filter’ (T_STRING) in /home3/kulture/public_html/wp-content/themes/awaken/functions.php on line 400 Probelm is the lines only go to 397. Iknow nothing about coding please can someone help
This theme is really awesome, there is a problem with header right sidebar widget, i have added adsense code and it is not showing completely, can you please check once ? here is the URL http://www.krreddy.com
There are two <br> tags have been inserted with the adsense code and that is why it doesn’t show correctly. Carefully remove those two br tags.
Hi. Can you please tell me what font is used for the Blog Title? Want to match my logo design to it. Thanks
Hi Justine,
It is “Ubuntu” font.
it’s difficult to switch from demo version to PRO version after doing some tests?
Thanks for answer and do we get in some time also PRO version for HitMag? Realy love this one.
Hello Vlasta,
If you haven’t edited the code of your Awaken free version, it’s not difficult to switch to PRO version.
Yes HitMag Pro will be released soon.
I am glad that you like it.
Thank You.
Are you planning to include a Spotify Link in the Social Media?
i need it please!!!!
Hi Pubudu,
In This free theme I can choose one of 6 basic colors:
Thank you
Hi Yossi,
Do you just want to change the color on your header? Is that what do you meant by “can I add background to the page header” ?
Thank you.
Is there a way to change the the colors [theme color] as shown in the attached screen?
Also, can I add background to the page header?
This is a test site for RTL
Thank you
Hello Yossi,
Theme colors can be changed on Awaken Pro directly from customizer.
And could you please give me an example theme or website url that has the feature you expect on page header?
Thank You.
My question is about the position of the logo.
Is there a way to right or left justified the logo.
The sight will be in Hebrew – RTL and I would like to move the logo to the left side.
Thank you
Widgets magazine 1 and 2 no working in version free. =/
They are perfectly working on free version. Please read the section 5 of the documentation.
Thank You.
thanks done i was putting the code wrong
you tube widget is not working and when i click the play button it gives an error any suggestions?
Hello !
I have one issue , how can i remove slider title ? Is their any possibility ?
Yes you can do it via css. Copy and paste the following css code in the “Custom CSS” area of the customizer.
.awaken-slider-details-container {
display: none !important;
Hello !
I have one issue , how can i remove slider title ? Is their any possibility ?
Hello !
I’ve just updated Awaken to its 2.1.3 version, but now the slider and featured posts do not appear on Chrome desktop, either on my mac or my pc. On mac, Safari does not display it either. It seems to be display on other browsers, though (Explorer and Firefox).
What could the source of the problem be ?
Hello Ante,
Could you please read the following thread?
Thank You.
Hello Pubudu,
is there any way how to change the Menu look for the mobile view? I am really frustrated by the black color which absolutely does not fit to my page.
I also would like to translate MAIN MENU to Slovak language, is it possible?
Hello Marek,
Sure. If you tell me the exact colors that you want in the mobile menu. I can give you a css code to change that.
Please email me with the information – support@themezhut.com
You can translate all the theme default text to any language. You can do it via loco translate plugin easily. Here is it – https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/
Thank You.
I can’t use silde show
I do anything that you said but when i use the category in slide show the slid show dispear in the page
Hello Aryan,
What is your website url?
Thank You.
Thanks for a simple and usefull theme, I just got one question. The menues doesnt work properly on pads or phones. it´s just a long list instead of submenues, on the desktop everythin seems fine. Is there a sollution to this ?
Hi gregorivletti,
It is not an issue. Theme is made to display long list menu on the mobiles.
Thank You.
Dear sir Please My Theme are Slider and post slider are not showing Please suggest me i have update wordpress and theme but no change
Hi Ashish,
Please clear your all caches. If you are using any cache plugin clear the cache. And clear your browser caches too. Read this thread. – https://wordpress.org/support/topic/slider-disappeared-4/
Thank You.
Beautiful theme! Exactly what I need for a project.
One request: I can’t remove the read mores. Every article on the front page has the […]
I have set the settings > reading full text. How do I set this correct?
hello sir in my website not view a magzine area
Hi, I`m using at two different pages the awaken theme. But in one of them I have a problem with the Single Category PostsWidget. It`s showing at the Home page an endless number of posts, not only 5 at all as the widget is doing at my secon page. Where can I reduce the number of posts for this widget. Thank you
I have already found the decision. We should utilize visibility for with widget
Thank you once again!!!!
Hi Pubudu, thank you ones again for your beautiful theme. I really like it.
There is a question:
as soon as a new post published it is oppear in the popular posts widget section ( sidebar)
But all the rest posts stay nearly the same all the time though there are more then 200 posts in my site.
Is it possible to rotate the posts manually or do anything to make changes in this widget?
I’m using Regenerate Thumbs. and it is working properly. With the exception, my images are showing my chin and shirt instead of my face. Is there any way to adjust the area that is cropped? Or is there an ideal post image size for this theme? Am I missing something that is easy to fix even though I’ve searched everywhere I know to online? Please advise and thank you.
Hi Pubudu, Thank you so much for Awaken theme. I like it very much! But there is a problem with my slider. The picture should be at least 752×440. The width of one of my slider pictures ( Obama) is 425 ps but it does not match the slider (special plugin for cropping piucs has been installed). Can you please help me to fix it?
Hi Laura,
That is the problem. 425 < 440 ( 425 is less than 440 ). Your image height should be greater than 440px and width should be greater than 752px in order to crop. Thank You.
Hello i have 2 problems with this theme. First the active menu is not applying, it doesnt get orange. Second, i cant make any thumbnail show and i used 2 plugins already to help with that.
Hello Mario,
Did you assign your menu to menu location on Appearance > Menus?
Did you run the “Regenerate thumbnail” plugin?
The first issue is resolved. Yes i used the regenerate plugin but nothing shows. I have many test posts, with 1 image inserted by me and one amazon affiliate link and it still shows the no image avaliable thumbnail. What i would like is for the image in the amazon link to show up but if thats not possible i would be ok with the image i inserted.
In order to display those thumbnails you should set images as featured images. Images you just put into the text editor will not show as post thumbnails. You can add featured images from “Set featured image” link located at the right side of the post edit screen.
Thanks a lot for your help. One last question and i wont bother you anymore ahah does this theme have a newsletter? I tried to look for it on the widgets to head it the footer but didnt saw the option.
Hi Mario,
Themes normally does not include newsletter register functionality. Those kind of things normally belongs to plugins. You can get any newsletter plugin you want and add forms to the theme via widgets or that particular plugin supported way.
Thank You.
Hi again, is there a way i can hide the featured image inside the post? Because when i set the thumbnail it shows up but then when i open the post i get the thumbnail as a big ass image at the beggining of the post.
Nevermind i solved it. I thought if i made dispaly:none to the thumnail class it would hide it on the front page too but you have a special class for the thumbail inside the post
You don’t have to write custom css for that. Please go to appearance > customize > page/post settings > Uncheck the “Display featured image inside single post article”.
Hi Pobudu, Thank you so much for Awaken theme. I like it very much! But there is a problem with my slider. The picture should be at least 752×440. The width of one of my slider pictures ( Obama) is 425 ps but it does not match the slider (special plugin for cropping piucs has been installed). Can you please help me to fix it?
Just wondering if you would have time to consider my question about changing thumbnails/featured image sizes? Thanks.
Hello Anthony,
Your some of images have not cropped because they do not have the minimum required image width to crop. For example your site contains a post called “SHSUGD Welcomes New Faculty”. Width of the image that you have used for that post is 165px. Regenerate thumbnail crops image if width of the particular image is more than 388px and height of the minimum width is 220px. It cannot be cropped small images to be big ones.
Thank You.
Thanks so much for your reply. Can I change the dimension of the thumbnail images? I’d like them to have a set width but different heights based on their original dimensions.
Hi, firstly i have to say that i love your works
Is there a way i can change the “orange” color when the mouse is over something ? Thanks !
You can edit the style.css file to achieve that. However in Awaken Pro you can easily change all most all the colors just from the customizer.
Thank You.
Hello, for some reason the images from my posts will not display in the featured posts thumbnails on the homepage. However, the title from the posts are on the thumbnails (just missing the photo). If I click on the thumbnails, they take me to their respective blog posts. Do you have any idea why this is happening?
Hello Parris,
Do you see images called “thumbnail not available” on those posts? If you have set featured images for those post and still showing the “thumbnail not available” images please run the Regenerate Thumbnail plugin to optimize all the images at once.
Hello Pubudu
I use a Awaken WordPress ver.2.0.7 very nice for theme.
I have a problem for detail display show on post is shortly
I can’t setting for detail for long detail.
Thank You.
how to view posts by category in front page. its not working. please explain step by step.. thanks in advance..
Hello Kabilram,
Please read the section 5. Magazine Template of the Awaken documentation to learn how to do that.
Thank You.
como insertar video Youtube?
Hello ,
When i don’t upload featured image, its shows thumbnail not available on Home page , How to fix it. Thanks in advance.
I love your theme, but I am having trouble with it.
When I view my website, the main page slider picture are not shown and became blank.
But when I went back to the editor page, the slider picture will be display.
May I know what’s the solution i fixing this problem?
Hello Evan,
It seems your slider is working.
Thank You.
That’s what other laptop browser view. The two bracket for the slider pictures are empty.. is it the code affect how we viw the slider from different region?
2. May I know how to edit the comment section input field? I wanna removed email input and others… where can I edit the comment section commentator input field?
Hi Evan,
It needs little bit of customization. Here is an article to learn how to do it. – https://code.tutsplus.com/articles/customizing-comments-in-wordpress-functionality-and-appearance–wp-26128
Thank You.
How can I edit the input field of the comment section?
I want to remove Email input field.
It needs little bit of customization. Here is an article to learn how to do it. – https://code.tutsplus.com/articles/customizing-comments-in-wordpress-functionality-and-appearance–wp-26128
Thank You.
hello Pubudu, i love this template
but when i go to mobile view, why the menu button doesnt work?
little flustrating here
Hello Dan,
Could you please send me your url to check this?
Thank You.
How do to configure “Magazine 1 widget Area” with 3 columns like your example?
Thank you
Hello Wilson,
Please read the “Magazine Homepage” part of the documentation.
Thank You.
I added “Awaken Three Block Posts Widget” into MAGAZINE 1 Widget Area but it not shown ?
What is the reason of it?
I have the same problem
You need to take a look at the static page. Make it magazinestyle. See above in the how to
I have also tried to use Magazine 1 and Magazine 2 widgets but they are not working. Can anyone help?
you have to set the HOME Page first…Make a new page…called HOME… then on the right side choose Magazin Layout… and now…. it works
I figured it out
Above in the documentation it says the website needs to have a static homepage as your front page. I added a blank page named “index”. And then you can add the latest posts through the widgets. The magazine 1 & 2 will work like this.
Hi, i am writing from Spain.
My web has a problem with the fonts: As you can see, the Facebook, Twitter, etc. logs and the arrows, don´t appear. The strange thing is that on my iPad appear, but not in PCs and movile phones.
Could you please help me?
Best regards
Hello David,
It seems your all images and stuff not loading due to an url issue. Seems some of the urls are wrong. Some of your urls includes www. and some are not. Check what is the url that you have used in the WordPress Address and site url in the General Settings. If both urls contain www. try removing it or if it doesn’t try adding www. And if you are using any cache plugin clear the cache from particular plugin settings.
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu,
yes, I added www in the General Settings and the problem was solved. Thank you, thank you very much.
Best regard from Spain
How can I translate the Main Menu? I need it in PT BR, just the title.
I think I have to change this in the code of theme, am I correct?
I’ve also tried:
@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.site-header {
background-size: 100% 100% !important;
.site-branding {
min-height: auto;
should work.
Hi Pubudu,
I’m using theme Awaken. At present, the Page of Categories post have 2 block post (2 columns in row).. But I want it become 3 block post (3 columns in row), because It can show a lot of post in this category. Can you help me? I hope your help as soon as possible… Thanks so much!
Hi, I’m trying to change the top banner color from the default black to a different colour. Kindly advise.
Thank you
How to slider next automatically ?
Is there a way to make the two featured pictures next to the slider linking to pages and not posts?
Is there a way to hide the categories under each post?
Hi Donna, have you had an answer on your question about hiding categories under each post?
how make home page with used this theme to be mobile friendly..
thanks for sharing this theme too free
Hello Desainavirss
It’s already mobile friendly. Could you please specify why you noticed it is not mobile friendly. Or please tell me if anything is not mobile friendly, so that I can improve it.
Thank You.
there is a horizontal scroll and by default the site loads with a space margin on the lefthand side
My header isn’t responsive….
Tried using this:
/* Header Responsive */
.site-header {
background-size: 100% 84% !important;
But it didn’t work….
Hello Maiken,
Try the following code.
.site-branding {
min-height: auto;
Thank You.
I have the same problem
Hi there,
How can I add another page besides ‘Home’ that it will not be shown at the “HomePage” section?
Every time I try to add a different page, so I can display at the menu navigation and use a plugin which asks for page and not post, both pages (new one and home) appear on the homepage. I’m trying to use BuddyPress, but I can’t add any additional page.
Please help me here!!
Hey when i install this theme it says that No Image , no thumbnail , i installed regenerate thumbnail plugins and regenerated it but still the same error . Please check http://impactlearners.gq
I don’t see any images in my Pro slider or any page/ homepage thumbnails.
A message ‘No Image’ and ‘Thumbnail not available’. Links works fine.
Please help!
Hi Robb,
You should run the Regenerate Thumbnail plugin once to optimize all the images. Could you please send me your url?
I ran the Regenerate plugin but still nothing. If you go to the separate pages/links, the images are there. Nothing on homepage.
Hello Robb,
I can see three posts. Could you please tell me what are the image sizes that you have used for your featured images of those posts? ( width and height )
i use your theme. it is fine and so beautiful. But i face a problem. http://www.thecricknews.com is my site. it is open in my pc but not open to mobile device. can you tell me why it happen.
khan mahmud
how to add images in the slider
Hi Sir,
I want add a video with background is image , how can i do it?
Quoc Huy
Hola, cómo puedo cambiar el color de los menús? y todo aquello que viene ahora en naranja?
gracias, excelente plantilla
Hello, how I can change the color of the menus? and everything that comes now in orange?
thanks, excellent staff
Hello ctrompoli,
All most all the colors can be directly changed from the customizer in “Awaken Pro”. But if you know some CSS you can do it by yourself in Awaken.
Thank you.
How can I get “YOU MAY LIKE THESE POSTS” in awaken free theme?
Hi Arpan,
I am sorry it is only in Pro version
Having trouble with the slider, the navigation arrows are appearing outside of the frame.
This happened after I installed the Advanced Post Slider plugin, which I then removed.
Great theme man!
I was just curious if there was any way to stop the featured image from appearing the post. I only want the featured image as my thumbnail.
Thanks a lot,
Hey, go to Customizer and apply this:
Is it possible to add a video post to the slider? If so, what is the best format and hosting site for the video (youtube, vimeo, etc.).
Paul Utterback
Hello Paul,
I am sorry currently this is not possible with the theme. However if you know coding, yes you can try that.
Thank You.
Tell me how to do pagination?
Thank you!
Cómo debo nombrar el archivo de traducción al español? Yo lo traduje y lo guardé como awaken-pro-es_Es.po y awaken-pro-es_Es.Mo y lo subí por el FTP pero no funciona. Por favor ayuda pronta y eficaz
How should I name the file translation Spanish? I translated and put it as awaken-pro-es_ES.po and awaken-pro-es_Es.Mo and went up the FTP does not work. Please help prompt and effective
Dear Julio,
File names should be “es_PE.po” and “es_PE.mo”
Thank You.
How do I make the theme Awaken translation for Brazilian Portuguese ? Where to find the files to rename ? Use a specific program ? I do not know much about code. I am learning to use wordpress now . Estou trabalhando com ele em localhost.
Como eu faço a tradução do tema Awaken para português brasileiro? Onde acho os arquivos para renomear? Uso algum programa específico? Não sei muito sobre código. Estou aprendendo a usar o wordpress agora.
what about social media plugin
Hi – is there a way to exclude certain posts within a category from showing up in the Feature Slider?
Hello Daniel,
Make a category only for the slider.
Thank you.
Hi, is there a way that I can make the “popular posts, comments, tags” preload showing the TAGS as default rather than the most popular posts?
I’m having issues attempting to integrate WooCommerce to work with the theme, can’t seem to figure out how to make it work. Not sure what the classes would be for the code
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_output_content_wrapper', 10);
remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_main_content', 'woocommerce_output_content_wrapper_end', 10);
how i can show awaken three block post layout , it’s only showing two posts per row.
I have a problem the same as with you. Have you been change three block post layout per row yet?
Thanks for the great theme. I was just wondering if there was a way I could change the font of the menu bar.
All the best,
Awesome theme!
Is there a way to show the most recent post for each category on the home page rather than most recent posts?
finance category (latest post) | entertainment category (latest post)
politics category (latest post) | technology category (latest post)
Is there a way to remove text from displaying over the images in the featured slider on the homepage? And on the featured posts also?
Absolutely love the Awaken theme but wanted to know if there is a way to remove the publishing date from my posts.
Thanks so much
This is why i would love Awaken theme , it is very easy to manage along with more facilities .
Easy documentation for this theme is also very helpful for everybody .
This theme contains many features and it draws me to be satisfied also.
I don’t see anything in my admin panel (or customize) that allows Google fonts or color changes. Just the simple color option you get in customize for background color. I want to change the salmon color that comes with the theme.
Hi Nicole,
Then you are using the free version of the theme. That does not include color options. Did you purchase the Pro version?
Thank You.
To whom it may concern,
First of all, I would point out how much I love the Awaken theme. It is very clean and for the most part easy to manage.
One issue I am having is sizing the main slider picture be “flush” with the two side bar pictures. The main image is a couple of pictures short and I can not seem to fix it. I am using 776 X 426 as my proportions to re-size the image before placing it as the featured image. Please let me know the proper proporitions and/or how this can be fixed.
Again, thank you for your time. We really enjoy the product.
Paul Utterback
Hello Paul,
Your image width must be more than 752px and height must be more than 440px. In your case your image height is 426px which is lower than 440px.
Thank You.
Hello, if you can help in my dropdown menu when i want to select my slider i there is nothint to choose. Only “Select”
Is there a way to attach a “category” to the list of events to be shown in the Events section of the Main Sidebar?
Hi Pubudu,
Thanks a lot for developing this awesome theme . Really appreciate the effort.
I really like the awaken three block post widget, Is there any way I can use this layout (awaken three block post layout) everwhere eg: categories page, tag page, post page-Home etc. Right now it showing only two post per row, but I want to show three post per row (as in awaken three block post widget) .
Also is there any chance I can add pagination to the widget post ?
Thanks for your help .
Did you get three post per row in categories page yet? I have problem the same as. Can you help me?
facing issue categorize the blog, one post show all page.
Hello Negi,
Could you please explain this a little bit?
Thank You.
Hi! I just installed the Awaken template this morning and I’m really impressed with it, very nice work!
I’m wondering if it would be possible to get the Social Media icons onto the main_navigation bar, on the right side close to the Search button? Also I would love to have a Login shortcut/icon up there as well.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Hi there,
how can i delete the timestamp for the posts in this template?
Best regards
Widget magazine 1 and 2 why doesn’t show on my web? Can you help me…
Hi Rudi,
You should make a magazine homepage first to display them. Please read the documentation carefully.
Thanks a lot Pububu
Hello, I put Awaken Three Block Posts Widget in magazine 1 and does not appear nothing
Hello Bruno,
You should make a magazine homepage first to display them. Please read the documentation carefully.
nice template
i used it here: http://finpromag.ru
How can I add banner (728x90px) in the header?
Hi, I have disabled the h1 tag in Awaken, how can I disable the orange line?
nice template for my blog
How does the popular posts widget work ? What metrics are used ?
Hello Mitch,
It works based on the comment count. The post that has most number of comments show up first. However I will change this methodology to work based on the post views, in near future.
What is the update frequency concerning the popular posts widget ?
The posts that are shown in my widget are not the posts with the most views.
Thanks !
Yes it works based on the comment count. I will change that to work based on the post view in near future.
After Upgrading to the latest version of theme not able to remove slider and thumbnail image not show in post. if i UN-select the slider also it is still showing.
Where did you un-select it? From customizer? If you did it from customizer it should work.
How do you un-select an item for the slider? I have an item that is no longer relevant for the slider, but I want to keep the current category tag. How do I remove it from the slider rotation only?
Thank you.
Hello MJ,
You should create a unique category only for the slider. Then assign the posts that you want to display in the slider into that category. That way you can control what posts display in the slider.
Thanks for this great theme, very nice work! I would like to make my site multi lingual, for example with the MultilingualPress plugin. Do you have any recommendations to do that? I have it installed, but see that the slider, feautured stories etc don’t respond on the chosen language. I would like to hear from you before I start programming these changes in a child-theme.
Correction on this, it is about the Polylang plugin, not the MultilangualPress plugin.
Hello all,
Awaken 2.0.2 has been released now. Please update your theme now to fix the slider issue that came with the 2.0.1 version.
Activation of slider didn’t work. Just a large blank instead and nothing else at all. I thaught that was cause of the size of images, so I upload the regenerate thumbnail plugin. But nothing changed. Still big blank instead of slider.
Any help with that?
Yes there is a issue with the new update. Please read the above comment and download the latest version.
Ok thanks, but what if the manually upload doesn’t work?
It says :
“The file of destination already exists.
The installation of the theme has failed”.
Did I miss something? I’m new at all of this!
Yes you cannot upload it directly from dashboard when the same theme is being activated. If you directly upload it from dashboard you should change your site’s theme to another theme like twentyfifteen or any theme and delete the previous awaken theme. Then upload the downloaded file and activate the theme.
Better if you can upload it via ftp.
Hello All,
Those who are having a issues in slider and footer after the Awaken 2.0.1 update, please download and update the new version manually ( Awaken 2.0.2 ) until it publishes in the WordPress.org. – ( Download New Version )
I didn’t get awaken option in wordpress Version 4.3.1 for awaken free
You should install the redux framework plugin to get that.
Love this theme. This site is not meant to have any comments and I cannot figure out how to get rid of the “Leave a reply” option no the home page. I’m not sure if it’s the theme causing it, but is there an option I’m missing? The pages have comments uncheck and I’ve uncheck all the options on the Discussion panel.
How do I change the font color of the title text? And how do I turn off the menu at the top in the header?
Thanks in advance!
Hi there, I want to remove sidebar and comment area when a post display in mobile phone. But it should be display on desktop version. Thank You.
Thanks awaken theme
Hi there,
Are magazine 1 and 2 widget areas exclusive to pro version? Because it isn’t displayed even though i have added some widgets inside.
Hi Kenny,
Absolutely not. They are available for free theme also. 1) Create a page and choose the page template as “Magazine Template” from the page attribute dialog box. 2) Then set that page as static front page from Settings > Reading Settings. 3) Then use widgets. Please look at the detailed images in the theme documentation.
Thank You.
Thank You!
Hi Kenny, I also would like to use the Magazine 1 and 2 widget areas. When I look at the theme documentation (chapter 5 Magazine Homepage) I do not see an attribute dialog box. I only have these options:
– Publish
– Page Visibility
– Featured picture
At Page Visibility I can choose for:
I can choose for
– Show normally everywhere
– Hide when listing pages on the front page
– Hide everywhere pages are listed
There is no option to set a template.
Could you help?
Hello Malva,
Then please click the “Screen Options” button which is on the top right corner of the page edit screen. Then select(Mark) the “Page attribute” check box. Then you will see that.
Thank You.
That was easy! Thank you very much Pubudu!
Nevermind, solved it by adding magazine template page.
Am trying to put the slider as per your instructions but it doesn’t let me. How can I rectify that?
For some reason after an update, the javascript on the page stopped working. I can’t add elements or edit them. When i click on the edit icon, it does not do anything… It shows the javascript on the bottom left corner, and thats it.
Sorry, this is probably such a stupid question, but thumbnail featured images not showing up on the home page. Any idea why?
Found you’d already answered this question elsewhere on internet. Thank you!
Hi, great theme! I’d like to know if there is a way to redirect who click on the category name of single category post widget in the category url. Thanks
Hello, I am using AwakenPro and love it. But I would love to have my Categories appear on the top menu bar. How can I make that happen?
Nevermind, I just figured it out, thanks!
Hi, my dashboard doesn’t have the “Awaken options” tab. May i know how to rectify this issue?
Please install the redux framework plugin. https://wordpress.org/plugins/redux-framework/
Hi! I wonder how to remove top menu. I would like to have only one. Thanks, Bojana
I need to push a banner on the white space beside where the Awake logo is (on the header). Do you have any suggestion on a good way to do that without messing with the layout.
Sorry for the rookie question and THANKS in advance for the support
Firstly, I love this theme, so thanks a lot for creating it. I’m new to this so I have one seemingly-dumb question. If I add items to the menu, how can I set the theme of that page in the menu bar? For example, on your demo page, you have Home, Blog, Sample, About, etc. Now if I click on Blog, it goes to a different page with a specific theme. How do I do that? I can’t seem to figure that out :/ Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
What I mean is…How do I link those menubar items to specific pages, how do I create those pages, and how do I give each of those pages a theme like you did for the Blog page, Sample page, etc. I hope I’m making sense.
Also, is there a way to edit the default template, full-width template, as well as the magazine template?
Hi there.
Which Plug in do i need to install for this them to display the thumbnail and Slide. I’ve already installed two plugins which was recommended above Redux Framework and regenerate thumbnail plugin. Should i have to install any Plugin else?
Please help me.
it’s nice themes….i’d like to ask, how to remove top menu? it’s look not good when 2 menus display at your themes
Please help me how will change colour of the text title and my latest post tittle is does appear in blog how will put it (latest post)
Hi there,
First of all it’s a great theme Pubudu.
Can you please help me. i’m facing the following problem :
The images to be displayed in the slider area and feature images are exceeding the defined area.
yes i did read the documentation , but all the other images have cropped down to fit themselves in the defined area without any further action. only a few images are exceeding too much from the defined area.
you can have a look at http://www.shopradise.com
Any help would be appreciated .
Hello Singh,
Could you please have a look at this forum? Last comment explains how to solve that. – https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problem-with-image-size-in-slider-awaken-theme
May be the plugin ‘W3 Total Cache’, even though it was installed before the theme. Anyways, it’s working now, so great.
In case it pops up again will update here.
Thanks for the fix!
I had multiple plugins previously installed on it, before changing the theme to awaken. I deactivated all and then activated them again. And now it is working fine. Is it order of installation of theme, on top of the already installed plugins that caused the issue?
There is no order. I just asked it why because you have told that it worked earlier. Some plugin may have caused for that issue. However now it’s working. Isn’t it? That’s great.
Hi, This is a great theme!
Can you pl. help me with the following issue.
In my site http://www.smilingcircles.com/, the images of all posts in home page says ‘ thumbnail not available’. Once i open up that post the image is visible, and the thumbnails are also visible on the right side bar which has the widget ‘popular, comments,tag’.
It was working fine yesterday when i set it up.
Did you install any plugin after that?
Is there a way to change the background color of just the page? I need to have a white background inside the section where the text of my page is located
Hello. Please forgive the rookie question. I have done my homework, but I still can’t seem to figure out how to remove the Awaken logo at the top of the home page. I am referring to the image that also has the Contribute Now image to the far right.
Thanks so much!
Hi Pubudu,
I’d like to hide the dates on all posts so the site doesn’t look like a blog site. I am currently running the ‘WP Date Remover’ plugin by Omar which has removed most date incidences but dates are still displayed on the related posts that appear above a post when being read. I’d like to remove these from view as well as the little lego block images that appear below the post titles.
I have tried some other date removal plugins but the ‘WP Date Remover’ plugin seems to be okay but is just unable to remove these related post dates. Other plugins tried are: ‘WP Author, Date and Meta Remover’, ‘WP Meta and date remover’ and ‘WP Old Post Date Remover’.
Is there an easy edit that can be done somewhere to achieve this?
I have upgraded the Awaken Template to the latest template, can I change the background colour of the Leave a Reply section to match the rest of my background?
Thank you!
Hello Dominique,
I replied you via email.
Thank you.
My images are still not displaying properly even if I used regenerate thumbnail plugin. Any thoughts?
Please read the above Jay’s comment and the reply.
Hi ! Wanted to know if there is a way to get Ad reporting in a certain way from your widgets ads in your theme ?
Thanks !
I really love the Awaken theme, but as a few people above have said, the slider image size problem is really destroying the theme.
The Slider doesn’t match the size of the featured posts. Yes, I have read the documentation & Yes I have installed the Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin & Yes I want to Tools > Regen Thumbnails & run the plugin. The problem still exists.
Yes Jay I understand. But I am 100% sure the slider works great. The main problem users don’t get the idea. If you want to display an image in the slider properly, image must have a minimum width of 752px and a minimum height of 440px. People try to crop small images with the plugin. Just think how can you cut a 40cm2 square from a 20cm2 sqare. It isn’t possible. Same applies to here also. People just put a image and try to crop it using regenerate thumbnail plugin at least without looking the size of the image that they have uploaded. Please upload images that has Width x height > 752 x 440.
I have checked the activate slider box on the home settings tab but it does not give me an input area for the number of slides. I can not activate my slider.
Hello! In my site (http://createactivitynow.com/) I’m using Awake but the comment form doesn’t work at all.
What should I do?
This issue have been fixed with the new version.
ciao le immagini in evidenza a che grandezza ottimale vanno messe ? grazie bel tema prendero’ il Pro
Great theme! I was wondering if it’s possible to display pages in the slider instead of posts?
Hello Irfaan,
No you cannot display pages in the slider because pages haven’t categories.
is there any way to get rid of the navbar right at the top?
This is a great theme. Thanks.
But I don’t want two navigation bars.
I will give the top bar removal option in the next update because most of the users ask for it. But for now what you can do is, adding the following code to the custom css code area in the awaken options panel. After adding hit save changes.
.top-nav {
display: none;
Thank You.
hi! i just updated the theme and it now has a slider that’s throwing off my site. Can i turn it off? I dont see an option to do so.
Is there a way to get rid of the black bar that runs across the top and/or replace it with a widget so I can display the companies phone number and address without being in the black bar.
I’m wondering if there is a way to make the pictures within the ‘Home Slider’ and ‘Featured Posts’ sections to also act as a link to the posts that they refer to instead of just the Text. I’d like the whole picture to be the link, not just the caption below. Is this possible without pro?
Thank you for your time,
Another Question though, related to my previous one: Can I switch off the displayed featured picture on 1 category and switch it on on another category?!?!?
Thanks Charles !!Works now, all my videos look good!
Hi, I just downloaded Awaken theme and I am still just investigating the possibilities. So far I have trouble with not showing widgets and titles:
I placed Three Block post widget in Magazine 1 area but it doesn’t show up.
Also red titles like LATEST POSTS don’t show up. Could you please help me what I am doing wrong or is it because I use free Awaken (not Awaken pro).
Thank you!
Hello Hannah,
Please read the documentation carefully. It describes everything. https://themezhut.com/awaken-wordpress-theme-documentation/
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu, I did read all the documentation carefully but I still have problem that placing Three Block post widget in Magazine 1 area, it doesn’t show up. Neither do red titles. Could you please give me a hint how to resolve this problem. Thank you!
Did you make a magazine homepage first?
yes I did.
Really don’t know why it’s not working. But let me download Awaken Pro, if the problem persist, will let you know. Thanks!
Ok thanks.
Hello, for your second question, go to ‘customise’ then ‘post / page’ options the n switch off ‘display featured image….’
Best theme ,,, i like it
hey! yeah i sorted it pretty quick! you need to go into your post and scroll down to the right hand side where you see ‘set featured image’
the image you set here will be displayed as the post thumbnail when you publish it
Hi, could you pleas help me with the following.
I created a category for my videos on youtube, it’s called “WORKOUT VIDEO SERIES”.
1st question: is it possible to have the videos embedded directly into the category and so when someone clicks on the category he can directly see the video he wants. (exactly as the widget “AWAKEN YOUTUBE VIDEO”)
2nd: if not possible to do question one, then is it possible to HIDE the featured picture in the post? and see it only as thumbnail?
Thanks in advance for your help
I am currently using the Awaken theme. Is there anyway for me to change the red boxes a different color?
Can i change language?
Hey i just installed your theme over my existing one, and for some reason it says ‘thumbnail is not available’ . So none of my previous blog posts are showing their thumbnail on my home page. any ideas?
I have the same problem! Do you already have an idea to solve it?
Hi Braedan, Romy.. I’m also facing the same issue. Did you find a fix?
You can try deactivating all the plugins one by one, to see if one of the plugins is causing the trouble. If the problematic plugin is identified, keep it deactivated, and activate rest of plugins.I think I didn’t have any plugin which was causing the problem. But after I deactivated all my plugins, and then re activated all of them again, the thumbnail issue is no more manifesting.
how i can change the width ‘search edit’?
Hi, in the inc/template-tags.php you use the ‘thbusiness’ domain. It is correct?
Hello Raf, Yes it should be “awaken”. This has been corrected in the new version which is in the queue.
How i can make different post like this http://www.excellent.hol.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Screenshot_3.jpg and not this http://www.excellent.hol.es/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Screenshot_4.jpg
Hi, It describes in the documentation. https://themezhut.com/awaken-wordpress-theme-documentation/
Thank you.
I downloaded the Awaken Pro theme but I am unable to upload. I am using the Awaken theme currently. The pro folder has multiple files so I don’t know how to select them all to upload. Suggestions? Thank you.
Hello Alex,
If you upload it via ftp, extract the downloaded zip file and upload the “awaken-pro” folder into themes folder in the server. And activate “Awaken Pro” theme from the themes section of the dashboard.
Or you can just upload the downloaded zip file from the dashboard. ( Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add new > Upload file )
And activate it. This method is very easy.
Note :
If you have setup the awaken options panel in free theme, you can export those current settings from Awaken Options > Import / Export > Download Data File. After activating the “Awaken Pro” theme import the downloaded file from import options of the same area.
Is there a way to get rid of the top menu completely? Also, where in the setting can I add the thumbnail pics on the side of the main “slideshow”?
Hey just installed your theme bt after that i was unable to login again on my site tried mysite.com/wp-admin bt no expected responsw…what to do kindly tell me.
Hello Raul, What is your site url?
Are you using some redirect plugin or something? If not access your htaccess file via FTP. Download it and check it whether there is a redirect or ip block .
Hi, I have a question. I cannot find the option to change the orange color while the cursor is on a section in the menu. Please, can you tell me if is possible or where can I find it the over color in the element inspection? Thanks a lot
I want widgets for posts to load them in a random (not sorted by date). How can I do this?
Hi, I am doing an ebook and I need to know the FONT NAME of awaken and also the color doing of the orange highlight please. Thanks
Hi! is there a way in AWAKEN PRO to avoid posts repeating in the home page
If a post has more than 1 category assigned, it shows in different widgets, repeating itself in the home, OR if I assign the same category to different widgets, I get the same posts repeating over and over…
Thank You!
I don’t know how…maybe I got a virus… I am trying to install it again but as i am not an expert I don t know what to do can you help me please? I just tried and it says that: ” Downloading install package from https://downloads.wordpress.org/theme/awaken.1.1.2.zip…
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the index.php file.
Theme install failed.”
In my end it is working properly. Please make sure before you install the theme delete the previous theme files in the server. If it is still not working contact us via support@themezhut.com.
Thank you.
Hi, I did but it wouldn’t allow me saying that the theme was having issues. My website was blocked for more than 24hrs because the awaken theme had issues. Are you sure there isn’t any problem with the theme? Thanks for letting me know after double checking.
Are you saying that your website had blocked because of the theme? Please specify the issues if there are any so we will answer them.
Hi, yes. under Appearances > Themes > it says :” Broken Themes
The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
Name Description
Awaken Template is missing.”
I also thought it was because of my web server hostgator and they replied to me this morning: “Looking over your issue it appears that there is an issue with your theme “awaken”. If you require the “awaken” you may need to contact the theme developer for assistance to see what the cause of the issue is.”
So are you able to tell be? because i still can’t select Awaken anymore.
Oh yes. It clearly says that the template files are missing. You have one thing to do. Delete all the files in the awaken theme and re-install the theme. Use a ftp client software to remove the remaining theme files.
Hi, is awaken still existing? My blog lost all the awaken features and is now black and white? Is it due to you guys from awaken or is it due to my web server hostgator? can you please le me know quickly? Please have a look at my blog.
Thanks a lot.
Seems you have changed the theme. Now you are using WordPress.org’s Twenty Fifteen theme. Change it back to Awaken again. ( Dashboard > Appearance > Themes )
I am having trouble being able to display “Magazine1” and “Magazine2” widget. Any special information on how to make them visible?? Thanks!
Hello Luis,
Documentation explains it very well. – https://themezhut.com/awaken-wordpress-theme-documentation/
Why I can’t activated Featured Images and Slider for Awaken
could you please tell me if it is possible to add an hyperlink on the featured pictures. As I do not own the rights of some of them I need to direct the public to its original URL. As well is it possible to add under the picture is very small the name of the artist as example: by Josh Noah.
Thanks for letting me know.
Hello. I bought Awaken Pro, and I can’t get Magazine1 and Magazine2 widgets to show in home page…
No matter what I do, I can’t see those widget areas at all.
I want to put a three block post widget under the slider, but I just get a 2 post list down to the footer.
site is http://infomix.com.ar
I need help!
Thank you
Hello Miguel,
Did you read this part of the documentation? https://themezhut.com/awaken-pro-wordpress-theme-documentation/#m5 If you still cannot solve the problem feel free contact me via email. support@themezhut.com
Hi, thanks for your prompt response. I want to create specific child theme for some of the pages. For that I created a sample theme on my local machine, it does show on the Appearance<Themes , but doesn't show on the page attribute option. However I created a next layout and put it on the Layout folder, it does in the page attribute option.
In my case, I want the child theme to work on this rather than the only layout. I've attached the screenshot on the drive could you please see?
HI, Pubudu,
Thanks for the great theme! Can you tell me whether or not this theme supports child theme. I’ve working around the child theme on Awaken but not working at all. Can you please reply?
Hi yes Vaghawan this theme support child theme. What is not working?
Nice Theme i Like It
Is the top nav/menu customizable? It appears that is displays Pages as nav links by default. I’d prefer to choose which pages show up in nav. Perhaps available in the Pro option?
Hi Jeff, Yes the top menu is fully customizable. You can define what links or pages you want, from the backend. This is customizable in both free version and the Pro version.
Wow, thanks for the speedy reply. I will look around. Great theme, much appreciated. I may opt in to the PRO version simply as a “thanks”.
Great..! Thanks Jeff.
is there option to hyperlink images on slider and featured posts?
Hello Rafal,
This feature is not available with the theme. Slider auto links to particular article page. But in “Awaken Pro” you can make your custom slider with images and hyperlinks.
I wrote you a question a few days ago and I really need an answer, please answer me the below. Thanks in advance.
could you please help me figure out how to enable comments? The people going on my website cannot comment anywhere and I URGENTLY need to add it.
Thanks in advance for your quick reply.
Hello Josh, This is not awaken specific question. This is normal WordPress. Go to post or page create/edit screen. Click on the screen options button in the top right corner. Check the discussion check box. Now you will see a discussion meta box under the content editor. Check allow comments check box. then update the post.
Hi Pubudu,
Some of my images in the slider as showing as bigger than others, they protrude into the white space beneath and don’t keep true to what should be the normal size.
Do you have any advice on how to stop this?
Hi Ally, Use regenerate thumbnail plugin as mentioned in the documentation.
Thank you very much for the template and sharing. I also have the same problem, but i used regenerate thumbnail and it didn’t work at all. The pictures of main slide are still different…. is there anyway to fix the problem??? thanks!
could you please help me figure out how to enable comments? The people going on my website cannot comment anywhere and I URGENTLY need to add it.
Thanks in advance for your quick reply.
Oh…am so sorry then.
I appreciate your responses though
This is the theme that i bought…..am I in the wrong place?
Yes Kumar.
You have mistaken because both of themes have same name.But that is not ours. That is a charity nonprofit theme. But ours is a magazine/news theme. And we do not sell “Awaken” theme. We sell “Awaken Pro”. We sell it on ThemezHut only.
Hi There,
I bought this theme from themeforest and now when am trying to install it, it says the following :
“Installing Theme from uploaded file: awaken-charity-nonprofit-fundraising-theme.zip
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme install failed.”
Can you please help!
Please treat this as urgent.
Hello Kumar, I am sorry we do not sell “Awaken Pro” WordPress theme on themeforest. I think you are talking about an another theme. We do not sell “Awaken” WordPress theme because it is a free one. This is a mistake I guess.
Hi Pubudu,
everything works perfectly so far which is good. One little detail though. On my pages from my top menu. If I click on “workouts” for example,I have got 8 articles in this category and want them all to appear on the page workout and not having to click page 1,2, 3 etc… Do you know what I mean?
I would like the same layout as in your example when clicking on “Blog” and then all articles appear with the featured photo.
Can you please tell me the way to change this?
Thanks in advance!
the free version is available for slide?? i cant set up the slide
Yes Jose slider has included in the free version also. Featured images of posts of the selected category will be displayed in the slider.
Hi, Great Theme I love it but I have a question cause I am stuck.
I want to display the “3 block posts widget” under the slider on the home page to have my 3 latests posts as in your exemple. Currently what i’ve got is ” Recent comments” and the list of my categories written in blue.. Can you please tell me how to change this?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi Josh,
Just goto widgets section and drag and drop three block post widget to magazine 1 widget area. Here is the documentation – https://themezhut.com/awaken-pro-wordpress-theme-documentation/#m8
I tried that but nothing is working out.. It is still the same. Can you please help.
I guess the documentation explains it very well Manish. Where did you stuck?
I try to enable to magazine 1 and 2 widgets in apperance > widgets add three block post widgets inside, however nth appeared in the main page? Are there anything I need to config before I make this action? please advice. thank you very much~~
Hi, sorry I was trying to do it from the customize menu, but I went to a different screen and now I see it…I’m very sorry about that.
Hi, I am trying to upload a logo, but there is no option to upload a picture The “Upload” button which is under the Heading “Logo” doesn’t show up. All that shows up is:
Display Site Title / Logo
Display site title and description only.
Display logo only.
Display both logo and text.
Display none.
And I don’t know how to delete the Awaken logo, perhaps that’s the problem?
Is it possible to change the size of Social media icons, they are a bit small for my taste?
Great theme btw.
I just bought your theme awaken pro. I do like it a lot but I have two issues so far.
1. My logo got the height of 135px. Why does it show such a big gap to the menu bar?
2. I love your slider but why the hell does the main picture does not rop automatically to the correct ratio??? Am I suposed to create for every single post a special postpicture to ensure your slide looks ok? If thats the case that slider is useless for quick and easy use. Could you please fix this? And the regenerate thumbnail plugin is not working anymore in newer wordpress versions…I believe.
Your help would be appreciated.
I will answer myself as I got already quick responser per pm. To fix the logo problem:
add the following code to the “Custom CSS” area in the “Awaken Options Panel”:
.header-ad-area {
And the Regenarate Thumbnail Plugin is working fine. I simple didnt know where to set the size. You have to do this straight in the actual post.
So, all looks good now.
Will you be adding a pinterest social media icon? Really would love to have one
What’s the idea resolution for the featured image? No matter what I use, the left pic seems to be a bit bigger than the two on the right.
Thanks a lot for this beautiful theme.
But I see a big problem with SEO in it. A lot of links and categories are wrapped in tag. But this tag can be on the page only once as a heading of the page. Can you make them or or at least ? Please let me know if I can change it by myself.
Hi William, If you look at the twentyfourteen wordpress theme you will see that in that theme also. But I totally accept it. And hope to fix that in upcoming updates.
Thanks a lot for the answer. It would be a great plus for your theme because h1 heading is very important for seo.
Can you give me some advice on how to fix it with my current site?
Hi, how do I add a featured Image, without adding it to the post?
Hi Florencia, That feature is only available in pro version only. But if you want to do it with the free version first make a child theme and then remove the featured image code in the content-single.php.
it is very nice theme but you miss a lot stuff
i tried fix magazin1 from html option (widget magazine 1 is wrong) but i can’t get tree posts (always 2 posts on magazine1)
I still can,t fit the image in featutred post. Can you tell what is the dimension of the slider and other feature post so i can crop it manually?
Is creating both page is necessary? After creating two pages and giving two different template layout, I am having trouble. While opening the homepage , it open the one with only “Blog” just below the slider and home only “post” in red button appears and nothing else.. But when I click “Magazine” it opens the page with widgets but not the header slider. What might the problem?
I just switched my theme and can’t figure out how to get the Magazine 1 & 2 widgets to show up. I added the awaken post blocks but nothing shows up on my front page. ??
Hi, Did you first created a magazine homepage? If no please do it first.
it is possible to create this theme http://www.centralinternet.com.br/screenshot/201310/clickcamboriu.com.br-balneario-classificados.jpg using free awaken?
It looks like an another theme. Not Awaken.
Thank you.
I am a newbie. I am trying to built a website. How can I remove author name, date on posts? I have try different code found on internet and event a plugin without success. Can u help please?
Hi, To do that you should first create a chlid theme. Then change your code. Or just buy “Awaken Pro”. Awaken Pro has that feature along with so many other cool features.
Hello. Are you planning to include a facebook, instagram and twitter box?
Thanks for last answer given.
I have one more is there a way in the theme Awaken where I can change the theme color of orange to a red ? ?
Unfortunately that feature is not available with the free version.
Thank you.
I figured it out.
Since I was just get generic answers to my questions.
1. To get your images to load in slider and post thumbnails
when you edit your the post, go
all the way to the bottom of the page to your far right,
and click feature image.
That’s it. Click update
and the images featured in your posts will show up now
in the slider and thumbnails.
Can Someone help me.
In this forum?
There is no instructions on how to get your images
to load in the slider!
The existing images read” NO IMAGE”
and “NO THUMBNAIL available.
THERE are no directions for how to my load my pictures,
into the slider.
Yes I did that about the slider images it simply say’s
to download the plug-in : regenerate thumbnail plugin
which I did.
There is no instructions on how to get your images
to load in the slider!
The existing images read” NO IMAGE”
and “NO THUMBNAIL available.
THERE are no directions for how to my load my pictures,
into the slider.
If you could just let me know that would be good.
I’AM at a major stand still.
I have been on the form too.
how to change navigation background color ?
That feature is built-in with “Awaken Pro” along with so many custom styling options. https://themezhut.com/themes/awaken-pro
Thank You.
thanks for quick reply.
However I only Have one option
and it is: Uncategorized
I can’t even text into it.
My titles come in but no images.
I want the images.
love it.
Still Playing with it.
But how do I get images in the slider instead of the
1. No Image Black Box
and 2.
the 2 right small images of the camera lens?
Just go to the awaken options > Home Settings > Select the slider category from the dropdown. Featured images of posts of the selected category will be displayed in the slider.
I love this theme! I like the social media icons, but i’d love to see a linkedin button up there also, any chance we’ll see this option in the future?
Hi Werner, Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll add it.
Are you planning to include a VIMEO Link in the Social Media? A lot of people uses VIMEO for creative and high quality vids.
Thanks for your suggestion. I will add it.