1. Introduction
This is the documentation page of the HitMag WordPress Theme. We will try to keep everything well documented. If you are not sure about any particular area of this please use the support forum.
2. Theme Installation
- Theme installation process is same as others.
- Download the .zip file. ( HitMag PRO can be downloaded from https://themezhut.com/my-account/my-api-downlods/ after the purchase. )
- Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard.
- Click on the Add New button.
- Click on the Upload Theme button on the top.
- Use Choose File button to select .zip file.
- Select the theme ‘zip’ file from your computer and click Install Now Button.
- After successfully installing the theme click “Activate Theme”.
3. Magazine Homepage
– Adding a magazine homepage.
- Create a new page by going to Pages > Add New in the WordPress Dashboard
- Give the page a name whatever you want. eg : Home.
- Then select the “Magazine Homepage” option for the “Template” setting which is in the “Summary” section of the “Page” Tab Panel.
- Then Go to Settings > Reading in the WordPress Dashboard and select the “A Static Page” option which is under the heading “Front Page Displays”.
- Then Select the page that you created earlier from the “Front Page” drop down . eg: Home
– Adding a blog post page when magazine homepage is activated.
- Go to Pages > Add New in the WordPress Dashboard.
- Give it a name whatever you want. eg : Blog.
- Then from the page attributes options box select the Template as Default Template.
- Then Go to Settings > Reading in the WordPress Dashboard and select the option “A static page” which is under the heading “Front Page Displays”.
- Then Select the page that you created from the “Posts Page” drop down . eg: Blog.
Now you have created a “Magazine Homepage” to display posts widgets and “Blog page” to display normal blog posts. To display posts widgets in magazine homepage drag and drop Magazine posts widgets to “Magazine Homepage” widget area.
4. Widgets
There are 5 widgets bundled with the free theme.
- HitMag: Magazine Posts (Style 1) – Can be displayed in Magazine Homepage widget area, Main Sidebar and Footer Sidebars.
- HitMag: Magazine Posts (Style 2) – Can be displayed in Magazine Homepage widget area, Main Sidebar and Footer Sidebars.
- HitMag: Magazine Posts (Style 3) – Can be displayed in Magazine Homepage widget area, Main Sidebar and Footer Sidebars.
- HitMag: Sidebar Posts – Can be displayed in Main Sidebar and Footer Sidebars.
- HitMag: Popular posts, Comments, Tags widget. – Can be displayed in Main Sidebar and Footer Sidebars.
5. Widget Areas
1. Magazine Homepage
2. Main Sidebar
3. Header Advertisement Area
4. Footer Left Sidebar
5. Footer Mid Sidebar
6. Footer Right Sidebar
Add each widget to the relevant widget areas and arrange them in any order you want.
Following image shows HitMag Widget areas and Widgets.

6. Add a Custom Logo
Adding a custom logo is very easy. Please use the following steps.
- Go to Customizer > Site Identity in the WordPress Dashboard. ( Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Site Identity ).
- Then click on the “Select Logo” button which is under the “Logo” title. Then use the upload tab to upload a logo or select the previously uploaded logo from the popped up media library window.
- Now if you don’t want to show the site title and description text you can un-check the “Display site title and tagline” check box.
- Click “Save and Publish” button at the top.
7. Custom Main Menu
- Go to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress Dashboard.
- In the edit menus tab click on the “create new menu” link.
- Give a Menu Name and click button “create menu”. For example if you are planing to use this as main menu type “Main Menu”
- Then you can choose/create the links from the tabs (Pages/Posts/Custom Links/Categories) which are in the left hand side of the screen.
- After Creating the menu select the Theme Location of the menu.(It’s under the Menu Settings which is in the bottom of the page. ) Select where you want to show this menu. Theme has three menu locations. ( Main Menu, Top Menu, Social Media Menu )
- Finally Hit Save.
Social Media Menu.
It is very easy to add a social media menu to your site top bar with HitMag theme. Adding a social media menu is same as adding other menus as described above. Use custom links to add social media links ( eg: https://facebook.com/themezhut ) and select the menu location as “Social Media Menu”.
Use custom links to add social links.
Now your social links will be displayed at the top bar of the site as shown in the demo.
8. Featured Images and Slider
Sometimes you may have noticed that when you upload featured images from posts they don’t have same sizes in the blog index page or magazine page. To fix that please use the great regenerate thumbnail plugin to crop images. It will crop all the featured images of posts.
Activate slider
Note: You have to have activated the magazine homepage as described above, in order to display slider.
1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Slider Settings.
2. Switch On Featured slider.
3. Then select the category of posts which you want to display in the slider. ( Featured images of posts of the selected category will be displayed as slider images.
– Featured images of posts should be at least in width of 735px and in height of 360px to display slider images properly.
How to insert logo using external host (like CDN cloudflare – I have cloudflare link to image)?
This is an excellent theme that suits my needs, but I am wondering if it’s possible to make changes to the “HitMag: Sidebar Posts”? What I want is to change “Popular” to display “politics” and rather than “comments” displaying “Editorial”
Is that possible, or will I have to use another block entirely?
Hi Elise,
I am sorry currently it is not possible. However I will make sure to give that as a Block on our BNM Blocks plugin in really soon.
Thank you.
Instead of using a widget to display latest posts or posts from a choosen category, is it possible to do this with shortcode?
Hi Duke,
I am sorry it is not possible to use HitMag widgets as shortcodes currently. However if what you want to do is to add widgets inside a page or post you can use our BNM Blocks plugin instead.
Thank you.
I try to add block HitMag: Magazine Posts (Style 1), but is not possible. It’s a problem “cannot read proprierties of undefined (reading ‘hasOwnProperty)
Only style 3 works, and I see the options.
Hi Alessandro,
Sure, I will help you with this. Could you please send me few more details to support@themezhut.com? Please send me your server’s PHP version, WordPress version and a screenshot of the error.
Thank you.
Hi, is it possible to pin posts to slider, rather than display latest 5?
You can add a category specifically for the slider and add assign posts to that category. That way you can display specific posts.
Thank you.
How to remove images of recent posts in right side footer?
Hi Simra,
You can use the WordPress default recent posts widget.
Thank you
There is a plugin someplace — misplaced it– that does all the above instruction above for us after activating. Where can I find it, and is that safe or recommended? Thank you!
Dear Rena,
Do you mean the demo installation plugin? If so you can find the instructions here – https://themezhut.com/hitmag-pro-wordpress-theme-documentation/#m3
Thank you.
Excellent Theme! Thank you. I have a question:
When I chosed the language in spanish and put the Widget Popular, Comments and Tags (in this case: “Popular”, “Comentarios” and “Etiquetas”) these tabs name doesn’t enter in the tabs, and the “Etiquetas” Tab skip to the next line, unfortunaly altering the widget shape. How I can fix it? How I can change the titles of this tabs or size? Or disable one of them (e.g. Tags)
Thank You
Hi Cristian,
I will give you a CSS to reduce the font size of these tab heading. Please copy and paste the following CSS code in the Additional CSS area of the customizer. ( Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS )
.hm-tabs-wdt .hm-tab-anchor {
font-size: 13px;
Great Theme. You can see that I have already downloaded and customized it
I have downloaded and customized this theme but when I open any post it shows feature images and posts images please tell me how to solve this. I have given the link to the website.
Hi Rubel,
Since you don’t want to display the same image twice you can hide the featured image, only on single posts. Please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Post Options and select the hide option on the “Featured image inside single post” switch.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for an awesome theme.
I have been editing the Main Sidebar and I have several “add block” objects displayed. On the rendered webpage, these “add block” objects show up as blank space.
Is there a way to get rid of them so they don’t show up as white space?
PS. My website isn’t live yet but here is the link to the draft https://bak.vhf.mybluehost.me
Hello Jim,
If the Add Block objects are empty you need to delete them from the backend widget area in order to remove that blank space.
Thank you.
I want only the image in the header area. However behind the picture there is a lot of empty space that doesn’t look nice. Can I remove it?
Thanks in advance!
Hello Blanka,
Please copy and paste the following code in the Additional CSS area of the customizer to hide that extra space.
.header-main-area {
display: none;
Thank you.
I solved the problem. Thank you very much!
Hi, this is ibad..
interested to design my blog in this theme. And I want to know is free version eligible to accests google adsense and can this theme appear google ads, and what the free version is also SEO friendly ?. 2) Is theme allows another category of blog site less them news, e.g I have to make health and fitness blog..?? please do let me know.. Thanks.
Hello Syed,
Yes of course you can use Google AdSense with Free version too. And yes the theme is fully SEO friendly. You can check it from https://web.dev/measure by adding the theme demo URL. I do not quite understand your second question. However yes you can use it for any type of blog.
Thank you.
please, give good looks to webstories section.
How add details in author details box?
Hello Panagiotis,
Please go to your site’s WordPress dashboard > Users > Your Profile. Then scroll down that page until you find the section “About Yourself”. Then add your details in the “Biographical Info” text area.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for your theme.
It has something that I have not encounter in many free WordPress theme.kudos to you.
But there is a problem I want to fix.How do I change the background colour of site from white to another colour.Another color does not reflect when I change it from the customizer.
Any way out ?
Hi Mrteesurez,
Thank you. Actually, background color control on the theme customizer working just fine. Could you please send me your URL to check your site?
Thank you.
Hello, I really love this theme and have been using it in my website for sometime now (Url: https://www.rajivsreviews.com/) 🙂 I am however having trouble removing the whitespace above my header image. Would you be able to provide a solution to help me fix it please? Thanks again!
We will fix this in the next theme update.
I really like your theme. I’m having one issue were in the “Blog page” my posts on the home page are not showing the post pictures only the text. What can be the issue?
Hi Jonathan,
What is your website URL?
Thank you.
remove compressor plugins it will work ,even i itself faced the issue
Love your theme. Just wondering how can I eliminate “-by-” and “leave a comment” on the widgets of the magazine homepage. Or at least change the text, because my site is in portuguese and I don’t want to show that information in english 🙁
Can you help me, please?
Thank you!!
Hi Ana,
I just replied you via email.
Thank you.
Thanks for the theme, design and options are really perfect.
I just wanna know how to translate some words in french, i made my webite in FR language, but still see many words in englich (Leave a comment and by author, previous and next article, show all post of the ‘author’, populars tags and comments widget )
There a way to make them in french !?
N.B. i tried Poedit and loco translate to change the words, changing done on files but still appear Eng words on website !
Hi Lina,
Have you changed the Site Language to French from Dashboard > Settings > General > Site Language?
Thank you.
I have changed to portuguese but still see by and leave a comment in english (but I would prefer to eliminate that information, since it’s not important in my site)
Hello. Loved your theme. Just one thing.
I would like to change the “Main Menu” and “Top Menu” names at the frontend, buy I don´t know where to find those strings.
Could you help me, please?
Hi Pablo,
You can change all the theme default text by translating. I recommend using Loco Translate Plugin for that. https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/
Thank you.
First of all thanks for the great theme!
I would want to know that in the free version of demo sub menus are available but am not able to make it work .
am new to this field ! once am gaining more experience would be happy to buy your theme soon.
Thanks ,
This video will help you to learn about making WordPress menus. – https://youtu.be/CY20IAtl2Ac
Thank you.
Thank you for providing the free theme.
I am a startup in this field. so now I use a free theme.
Your theme is good and SEO responsive.
Thanks for this theme 🙂
Slider stops at the last slide. I know this is not a bug. In the future, can the slider have the option of self-repeating? Sorry for my English.
Greetings 🙂
How can I make main navigation menu sticky while page scrolling ? Actually it’s very important feature. But can’t find in HitMag theme.
Hi Jack,
It is available in HitMag Pro.
Thank You.
Hi is it possible to remove the: “date – by author – leave a comment” in the Hitmag widgets displaying on the magazine frontpage? I have my website in another language than english so it looks very weird. I would appreciate if I could remove/edit it except for displaying .none in css as that ruins SEO.
Hi Adrian,
That option is available on HitMag Pro version.
Thank You.
Is this theme SEO friendly?
Hi Jose,
Yes, the theme is SEO friendly.
Thank You.
I keep trying to change the magazine homepage to full width, but it doesn’t change as expected. (The side bar stays on the right) Any reason this might be?
You can use Site Origin Page Builder with “Page Builder” page template to create any layout you like. Just select the “Page Builder” page template instead of “Magazine Homepage” page template for your homepage and create any layout you like. Then add HitMag Magazine Widgets. You can use the Elementor page builder also.
Thank You.
hello, is there any way to set full image in grid style? I had set 3 columns grid option from customizer. But it don’t show full image when I see a single categories all post.
Hi, I am sorry I cannot understand this. Could you please explain what do you mean by “single categories all post”?
Nice work on Hitmag ✌️
Please how can I add share post to my every post…
And like you have in this current comment box?,
Notify me of new posts by email.
How can I add this too pls ✌️
Hello Eye,
It is a feature of the Jetpack plugin.
Thank You.
Hello. Great Theme!!
How can i add a custom entry to the Social Menu e.g. a link to a page inside my site. I’m trying currently but it only shows a rectangle icon (no icon or text).
Please advise!
Thank you.
Hello Mclaren,
I am sorry currently it works only for social media icons.
Thank You.
Please Pubudu, How can i make my post not show all so that reader can click next to continue reading?
Hi Josh,
What is the page that you are talking about? In blog archive it shows a read more button.
Thank You.
Please how can i make my post appear in my main menu page?
Hi Josh,
You can add a post to your menu from Appearance > Menus. Normally menu should be used to display categories and pages and other custom links. That does not mean that you cannot add a post to the menu.
Is this what you have asked?
Thank You.
I would like to ask if it is possible to change the size of sidebars. For instance if sidebar is by default 200px to reduce at 150px. Thanks in advance
Hello Anastasios,
You can do it by editing CSS.
Thank You.
Hy please help me how i can add manu in footer area like contact us about us pages please help??
Hi Zani,
You can use a WordPress default “Menu” widget to display links in footer widget areas.
Thank You.
Hello there!
Is there a way to disable mobile rendering for this theme? Looking specifically to remove tablet rendering.
Hello Kris,
To do that you need to manually remove media queries in the style.css file. This may take some time.
Thank You.
Dear all
we are using your hitmag theme for a dutch web site. I managed to change the most important text into dutch. However, the date in the top menu bar does not wish to go to dutch even if the wp version we have is in dutch and dutch has been set to standard language. Am I missing an option setting?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Dear Koper,
Thank you for letting us know about this. We will fix this in the next theme update.
Thank You.
Thanks in advance for correcting this.
Few days ago I installed the update. No change in the language of the date in the top bar. Did I miss something or did it escape you attention?
Hi Koper,
Now the date should display in the format that is selected from Dashboard > Settings > General. If it does not display properly could you please send me a screenshot of your site’s “General Settings > Date format” section? Please send it to support@themezhut.com.
Thank You.
Hi, i am trying to hide the sidebar on some pages – i have installed the Content Aware Sidebars to allow me to hide the sidebar – because I am now showing a different sidebar that has no widgets added, it should hide the sidebar but it doesn’t – instead there is just whitespace. I think it is something to do with the function is_active_sidebar( ‘target-sidebar’ ) which is different in your theme than the default code.
Can you help please?
Thank you in advance
Hi Josephine,
You can change your post or page layout from the post or page edit screen if you want to change layout uniquely. Go to post/page edit screen and find the “Select Layout” metabox.
If you want to change your page layout globally please go to Appearance > Customize > Page Options > Content and Sidebar Alignment ( For post layouts use Post Options > Content and Sidebar Alignment )
I hope this will help you. If not please leave a reply.
Thank You.
Is there any chance I can customize the slider?
I’d like to set one category for each one of the buttons/icons below the slider, so it could update automatically the specific category slide when I post something new, instead of being latest posts.
Thanks a lot
Yes. Create a new category specifically for the slider. For example create a category called “Featured”. Then assign posts to that category those you want to display on the slider. Then choose the slider category as “Featured” from the slider settings of the customizer.
I hope this will help you. If not please leave a reply.
Thank You.
How do I make my 5 featured posts static (not change)?? Once I enter a 6th post the first post is no longer featured. Thanks!
Hi Albert,
I am sorry for the late reply. To do that make a category specifically for slider. Name it whatever you want. For example “Featured”. Then assign this category to posts those you want to display in slider. Then choose that “Featured” category for the slider from the slider settings at customizer.
I hope this will help you.
Thank You.
I am using free version but I can see the thumbnail just like here https://themezhut.com/demo/hitmag/category/sports/.
I want to display post thumbnail and in the right side bar thumbnail also.
Also please tell me how can I display category like Sports above same type of post.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Belal,
I cannot understand your first question. Could you please explain it a little bit?
Currently you are displaying pages on the menu. You can display categories on the menu. And let people view category wise posts. Go to Appearance > Menus and add categories to your menu.
Thank You.
hi – how can i put my text on top of my image so my front page is just exactly like the demo? the text is below the photos now
Hi Lorraine,
You need to create a magazine homepage. Please read the documentation to learn how to do that.
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu,
I have a problem which is getting me mad… I use HitMag on two differents blogs. On the first one it works perfectly but on the second one i have troubles with the sharing on Facebook and with the mobile version.
When articles are published on facebook it’s the default image of the blog that appear and not the ‘image à la une’ i don’t understand why (it worked with the previous theme i used and i didn’t change anything on the setting of WP)
I disabled the Jetpack mobile theme but still, on my mobile the theme doesn’t work. I don’t understand…
Can you help me?
Thank you so much.
I’m not sure what i’ve done but the mobile version is ok now 🙂
There’s only the question of the publishing on Facebook left.
How do I remove the grading/headline in the slider? I would like it to be like it is in the demo
Hi, first of all thanks a lot for the theme. great job.
my question: how can i change the_excerpt() from counting words to counting charakters?
thank you!
Please I’m finding it difficult to display blog posts together with magazine homepage…it only displays the hitmag posts for magazine homepage and post loop widget as well but I can’t seem to see the normal blog posts that have pagination. Help please
Hi Asikwe,
I am sorry it cannot display blog posts in the static page. Please create a blog posts archive separately.
Thank You.
Hi Uploader, firstly thanks for the theme. I would like to align my LOGO in the center. Would you please help ?
Hi Philip,
You can do it with css. Copy and paste the following CSS code in the Additional CSS area of the customizer.
.site-branding {
float: none;
display: table;
width: 100%;
.site-branding-content {
display: table-cell;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
.hm-logo {
float: none;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
Thank You.
i need to import this template demo content, how do i do that?
Dear Onajite
It is described in here. – https://themezhut.com/hitmag-pro-wordpress-theme-documentation/#m3
Thank You.
I couldn’t get this to work!?
You have set up your site correctly. Write some posts.
Thank You.
I can’t figure out the way to enable follow-up comment and new post notification options below the comment field on my website while using the HitMag WordPress theme. Could you please help?
Hi Kaushik,
It comes with Jetpack plugin.
Thank You.
Saying more about how I want my site to look: it’s https://go4ward.info/risescitech. What we’d like to do is designate some posts as quick takes — very short — and put them the sidebar, not in the main content area. But nothing happens when I select ‘right sidebar’ as the layout option. Is it because we already use a sidebar widget? Any help would be most appreciated.
Hi Pubudu,
great theme, thanks!
With regard to the featured slider: is there a possibility to add multiple category selection (not just picking one or all category) and to enable sticky posts (showing first)? Maybe there is a hook I could work with?
Thank you so much! moaschtr
Hi Moaschtr,
I am sorry currently it is not possible in the theme.
Thank You.
How can I remove Powered by WordPress and HitMag? There is no “editor” available in appearances…Please tell me I am using the free version.
You can use custom css to hide that. However in pro version you can do that and add new one easily just from the customizer.
Thank You.
First of all a massive thanks for this theme. We are trying it out for a charity for refugees in London.
We are having an issue and the issue is the slider get stopped after the last image.
Is that a bug or a feature.
Please help.
We are using the free version and here is the site http://islingtonrefugeeforum.org/
Thanks again
Hi Muhammad,
It is not a bug. Slider stops at the last slide.
Thank You.
Love your theme… getting used to the settings but wanting to change the font, size and position of the header text… is there an easy way to do this?
Many thanks
I may be on the wrong page, I’m looking for support for the Hit theme. Specifically, the white bar across the home page. I can empty all the widgets out of it, but I need to entirely remove the bar. Can’t find anything in the customize location and I’ve tried to hack at the code but it’s still there. Any way you can help?
How to remove author box ?
Hi Priyal,
You can do that from Dashboard > Apperance > Customize > Post Options > and switch off “Author details box after the post”.
Thank You.
I am having issue with the author page, it shows not found.
This is an amazing theme. It has all the features. Customization is very easy & it is easy to use. Thank for this.
Hi, it’s impressive from the time I met your pro theme. Great job!
Anyway, can this theme able to show share counter?
Also I would like to show also the author profile. Your assistance will be a great work for me.
Thank you.
Dear Ade,
I have replied you via email.
Thank You.
First of all thanks for this clean and good looking Hitmag theme. I have installed your free theme and soon I will go for pro. Is there any plugin to load website fast?
Dear Raj,
Website Speed depends on many reasons. I recommend you to read this article. – http://www.wpbeginner.com/wordpress-performance-speed/
Thank You.
Thank u so much.
I just purchased the PRO version for a reason that I want to dock my google ad which is the last widget at the main side bar while the content length is longer than side bar, I saw this function is presented in your PRO version demo. But why my google ad is still scrolled up together with the content, do I miss any additional settings to achieve this? Thanks.
Dear Leejack,
To enable sticky sidebar please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > General Settings and Mark “Make Sidebar Sticky” checkbox. We provide dedicated email support for PRO users. Please contact us from https://themezhut.com/contact/.
Thank You.
Awesome theme thank you!
I can’t find how to control the slides speed. I find the default speed a bit slow.
Thanks for your help 🙂
Hi Anne,
I will give this feature in the very next update of the HitMag Pro.
Thank You.
Is there a widget to show popular in each category similar to latest posts in categories ?
Hi Pav,
I am sorry, currently there is not a widget for that. However it is a good idea. I think there may be plugins for that.
Thank You.
Hi, I would like to remove the author information from the featured slider, is there a setting for this or any other way to remove that information?
I have the same problem. Is it possible?
Hello Valentina,
Please copy and paste the following CSS code in the Additional CSS area of the customizer to hide the author information from the slider.
.slide-entry-meta .byline {
display: none;
.slide-entry-meta .meta-sep:nth-child(2) {
display: none;
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu,
I resolved the images issue manually.
Now I am having trouble finding where I can ensure that my mobile version of my site mirrors the desktop version? Please see http://www.makersalmanac.com on both desktop and mobile.
Thank you,
Hi Yev,
It seems you have activated the Jetpack’s mobile theme on your site. Go to Jetpack > Settings and search for “Mobile Theme”. Please switch it off.
Thank You.
Hello, Please i cant seem to find the button for uploading my own custom logo…. is this option removed in the free edition of this theme?
Hello Harrison,
No it is not removed from free version. Please go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity and set your logo. However if your WordPress version is below 4.5 logo option will not support.
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu,
This time my question is about images. How do I make sure that the images in thumbnails (see for example, related posts thumbnails or post thumbnails on main page at http://www.makersalmanac.com) are sized properly?
Thank you in advance,
Hi Yev,
As mentioned in the documentation please install the “Regenerate Thumbnail” plugin and run it once to resize all the images at once.
Thank You.
hi i need help to setup this theme. My post images are not showing in slider
Hi Sina,
To show images on the slider you need to set featured images for the posts those are shown in the slider.
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu,
I’ve just this theme, but before I activate, I want to be sure if I can change the theme colour from red, as seen in the demo. Thanks.
Hi Christie,
Yes you can change the red color.
Thank You.
Please let me know what the different between Hit Mag and Pro Hit Mag ?
Hi Yaacov,
All the features that are listed on https://themezhut.com/themes/hitmag-pro page is only available with PRO version.
Thank You.
how to show social logo in header like themes demo
Hi Iman,
You can add that as a menu. Please read the documentation carefully for more information.
Hello, Great theme. Looking to see if i can put social media icons/links on the opposite side of the header where the date is currently displayed? Great to add FB, Instagram and Twitter
Nevermind – found it in documentation. Love the theme :o)
I want to change Avatar for authors without signing up for Gravatar – how can I do that?
Dear Cheryle,
Since Gravatar is the WordPress’s by default Avatar service, we have added support for that. However I found a plugin called WP User Avatar which gives you the ability use your site’s media library images to use as Avatar. Could you please try this plugin? Here is it -https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-user-avatar/
Thank You.
Is it possible to display latest post on the Featured Slider instead?
Hi Tracy,
I am sorry for the late reply. Yes of course you can display latest 5 posts in the slider instead of posts from a category. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Slider Settings. Then select “–Show All Posts–” in the select dropdown which is titled under “Select the category for slider posts”.
Thank You.
There is no slider option under Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Slider Settings. I am using free version.
Hi Belal,
What is the option you are looking for? There are only two options in the slider settings. And the slider displays only on the “Magazine Homepage”. So you need to create a magazine homepage first. There are many options in the PRO version.
Thank You.
How do we display thumbnails for Recent Posts in the Sidebar widget?
Hi Revathi,
It cannot display images in the WordPress default recent posts widget. Please use the Sidebar Posts widget that comes with HitMag theme. You can use it to display recent posts with images.
How do I remove the Related Posts after each post? If you want to see what I am talking about, please see this for example: http://www.makersalmanac.com/2017/11/13/interview-with-ms-katie-stinchon-of-massachusetts-brewers-guild/
As you can see, there are TWO “related posts” rows, one displaying just links, and the other with thumbnails. I’d like to get rid of the first one (the one with links only) – how do I do that?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Yev,
They are displayed by the Jetpack plugin. Go to Dashboard > Jetpack > Settings and turn off the Related Posts Module.
Thank You.
Awesome, thank you so much, Pubudu!
I have another question – I’ll start a different thread.
I can’t seem to get rid of the white space area in the header. This is usually the area where the site name and tagline go, but I want to hide them so that I can just use my own logo image. How can I get rid of the white bar because it makes the alignment off?
Hi Carlos,
Please copy and paste the following css code in the Additional CSS area of the customizer to remove that white space.
.header-main-area {
display: none;
I hope this will help you.
That worked! Thanks so much!
This issue has been fixed with the latest 1.1.0 update.
Thank You.
I have been using the free version of this website to test it out, and I really like it. It is well designed and user friendly. On the free version, I believe that you can only use the magazine template on the home page. Is it possible to have magazine templates with different content in each on different pages in the paid for version?
Thank you
Hi Judith,
You can use SiteOrigin Page Builder Plugin to create more magazine templates.
Thank You.
Thank you
I really like this theme! But I cannot find where I can access the header.php file so that I can put Google console and Google analytics codes in there. Can you point me in a good direction?
Thanks in advance!!
Hello Nicola,
You can use Insert Headers and Footers plugin to put google analytics code. Here is the link to that plugin- https://wordpress.org/plugins/insert-headers-and-footers/
Thank You.
How do you create a ”Trending Now” section?
Hello Andrew,
It is the Sidebar Posts widget that comes with the HitMag theme with recent posts.
Thank You.
First thanks for the amazing theme!
I just need to know if this theme supports (RTL) option, also if can be used with the polylang & WPML plugins, in case to use it for several languages.
thanks again.
Hi Shnidher,
Yes this supports RTL. We will give WPML support soon.
Thank You.
Hello, is there a way to control the “related posts”? (How many, relate them using Categories and/or Tags and/or more complex semantic rules…)
I feel like it would be a great addition… assuming these options are not somewhere already!
Hi Valerio,
In HitMag Pro version there is an option to select related posts based on category or tag.
Thank You.
Any chance on an a future update we will be able to change the number of related posts that are shown? I’d like to be able to show two rows of three related posts, ideally.
Sure I will do that. Many users have asked that.
Thank You.
Ive just purchased the Pro version given that it supposedly has this feature, but it doesnt. It forces you to manually select a category which completely defeats the purpose of showing “related posts”?????
Could you please explain how the related posts change dynamically inline with the current post being viewed, or are they just “fixed” per category??
Dear John,
Yes, HitMag Pro displays related posts based on the current viewing post’s category or tags.
We cannot go beyond that in a theme because those kinds of complex tasks like analyzing the all the posts and displaying related posts must do with a plugin. Because theme’s task is just to provide a graphical interface.
So if you want to display related posts in an advanced way I highly recommend to use Jetpack plugin’s related posts module. Because it does all the analysis, processing, and serving from their cloud, so there is no additional load on your server.
Thank You.
Pubudu, Id prefer not to have to use another plugin for this. Related posts work perfectly and show under the post, but it would be fantastic to be able to show them in the sidebar.
i have just installed and testing your theme.
For some reason, the images on the slider are not changing, it’s always stuck on the first.
I have tested it in another site (http://foneblitz.com/) and there it works fine.
What can be the problem?
Fixed (i installed the theme again…)
First of all thanks for the great theme!
I am trying to do what you have done in the preview where you have only have posts relating to each category displayed in that specific page.
like this https://themezhut.com/demo/hitmag/category/sports/
My page sabushpilot.com
Blog, on the other hand is not a category. In blog WordPress displays all the posts those belong to all the categories or uncategorized posts. You can create a page to and assign it to display blog posts. Please read the documentation ( Magazine Homepage > Adding a blog post page when magazine homepage is activated ) to learn how to do that.
Hi Mike,
You don’t have to create a page to display all the posts belong to a particular category. Only you have to do is create a category from Dashboard > Posts > Categories > Add New. Then assign posts to that category from posts. That category archive page will be created automatically for you. You can find the link to that category archive page from Dashboard > Appearance > Menus. There is a toggled menu in the left side of the Menus page. Find the “Categories” section from that toggled menu and mark and add the category to the menu. It will link to the particular category archive.
Thank You.
Is it possible to add a SoundCloud icon to the social menu icons?
Hello Matt,
Sure I will add it on the next update.
Thank You.
Hi Pubudu,
Can I use the Pro Hit Mag theme on more that one site without have to buy the theme every wp website?
I have several different blogs … and Pro Hit Mag will work great with all of them. I have one website
under development right now, and I would like to consider using Pro HitMag.
Thank you.
Hi Mitch,
If all the domains belong to you, you can use one HitMag Pro theme for all of your sites without any problem.
Thank You.
How can we center the custom logo in this theme’s header? It automatically aligns it to the left.
Hi Melissa,
I need to see your website before give a good solution. Your site still shows a coming soon page.
hey i need help to setup this theme. My post images are not showing in slider
Your images are showing on the slider. I think you have already fixed it. Haven’t you?