Yaminth wordpress theme is a free wordpress theme and, as you may notice from the name, it has a very minimal look. Since minimal design is very popular these days.
YAMINTH comes with light colors, dark footer, Google Web Fonts and jQuery fade in/fade out of images. It also has an Options Page so you can customize it as you like. You can set your logo, favicon, featured category, social networks links, advertising, etc.
β WordPress 3.0 custom menu.
β Logo, advertising space (468 x 60) and social network links (Facebook, Twitter) that you can modify from the Options Page.
β Custom Favicon. You can insert the favicon url in the Options Page.
β Featured posts section with the last 4 posts from a featured category that you can choose in the Options Page.
β Posts shown in Excerpt View.
β Automatic generation of thumbnails (with TimThumb).
β Threaded comments and Gravatar support.
β Right widgetized sidebar.
β Advertising space that you can modify from the Options Page.
β About Us space. You can set it in the Options Page.
β Latest Tweets. You can set your Twitter ID and the number of tweets you want to show from the Options Page.
β Newsletter subscription form. You can set your Feedburner ID from the Options Page.
Other Features:
β Google Web Fonts.
β jQuery fade in/fade out of images on mouse hover.